Four Things Not to Do to Pipes in Albany
by Admin | Jul 10, 2018 | Plumbing Tips

Folks never really think about the pipes in their home until there is a problem! Typically they call after a clogged drain or a broken or burst pipe. It is essential that you really keep your pipes in working order. No one wants to be calling a plumber in the middle of the holidays or when visitors are on their way over. BUT IF YOU NEED US CALL E.W. TOMPKINS PLUMBING AT 518-462-6577
Here are four things you should never do to the pipes in your house.
1. Pour liquid bleach into your pipe.
Whoever suggested that one should pour bleach into pipes to clean all the crud out was WRONG. Do not do this.
Beach is a very powerful and poisonous liquid that has to be handled properly and with care. Pouring it into drains is not right. It can react with the metal and the gunk and combine to release fumes and all that does is make things worse.
There are other products that you can purchase to help with clogs but one is not bleach.
2. Forcefully thaw a frozen pipe
During the winter months in Albany, Schenectady and Troy, a frozen pipe is the homeowner’s nightmare. We get lots of calls in the Capital Region for burst pipes. It can be dangerous and expensive on its own, but some people make the mistake of trying to speed up the thawing process.
The absolute worst thing to do is to use a propane torch in order to forcibly release water that is stuck in a frozen pipe. That can wrech and damage the pipe by melting it. You might also start a fire if the torch touches other materials. At E.W. Tompkins Plumbing we can help you with your frozen pipes by slowly thawing them.
3. Do not pour grease, tampons, disposable baby wipes, and paper towels down the drain
While preparing meals, or after cooking many think about pouring grease down the kitchen sink drain. We at E.W. Tompkins Plumbing will tell you DO NOT DO IT. It is a bad idea because it does not break down. It sits there and accumulates over time and then other things attach to it and you have a huge clog. It is one of the biggest things that causes a clog. Pour it instead in an old tin can and throw it into your garbage.
Similarly, do not put tampons, paper towels or disposable baby wipes down your pipes either! It is not worth it. Keep them in garbage cans. Drain cleaning is very expensive!
4. Dispose of food
It’s the easiest thing in the world to get rid of leftovers simply by mashing them down the kitchen sink, but we at E.W. Tompkins Plumbing will tell you that it is a bad thing. The food sits there and it builds up and that creates clogs. We know that you think that garbage disposals are great and they shred and chip food particles but much of the time certain particles dull the blade and some wrap around the cutting blade. Food stuff really needs to be thrown out into a garbage can.