Water Issues in the Capital Region. E.W. Tompkins Plumbing Heating Cooling can help you with water testing. Do any of these conditions sound familiar ?
Is my is Hard?
We get hard water because of mineral buildup in our Captiol Region City or well water. It is not always easy to see hard water but you can see its effects in your home. You may see lots of soap scum and soap stains. Have you ever seen white spots on your kitchen glasses ?
Is there Lead in the Water?
All over the Capital Region we have homes and institutions with lead pipes. As a result, it gets into our tap water. Older pipes have lead solder in them to join the copper to faucets and valves. These days plumbers use lead free solder. But older homes and buildings still have lead solder in the joined pipes.
I have Dry Skin and Hair
When one has hard water your pores are clogged and it leaves your skin dry and itchy. Your hair will probably get damaged. You will need to determine what type of water softener you need for your home.
I Smell Chlorine
Water companies clean their water with a strong disinfectant called Chlorine. Basically it is bleach. It can leave an unpleasant taste in your water.
My Laundry Seemms Hard and Sort of Stiff
Magnesium and Calcium in your water makes your washed clothing stuff. You can install a softener system which might make your water softer and you can start using less detergent products.
Might I have Chromium-6?
Folks have located a carcinogen called Chromium-6 in our water. It is not suppose to be digested in large limits. Some folks put a reverse osmosis system in to reduced how much is ingested.
I Smell a Rotton Eggs!
If you have a rotten egg smell with either the cold or hot water, this is caused by sulfur and iron in your water.
I have Lime Buildup and Soap Scum
You may see lime build up and scum on your faucets and in your tub and sink you might start to see soap scum and the build up of lime. It is caused by your hard water. Sadly, it also can be damaging your plumbing and your fixtures. We all spend a lot of money on faucets and other fixtures and meanwhile they are being damaged by this hard water.
I See Rusty Stains in My toilet, the Sink, Tub and on My Clothing.
So many people have rusty stains in their tubs, toilets and sinks. There are solutions that will eliminate this problem. It will help keep your white clothing white while doing laundry.
I think I see Blue Stains
Do you ever see a green or blue water coming out of your faucets ? This is corrosion of the copper pipes in your home. You can be putting in pretty fixtures and faucets but in the pipes the bad water is dissolving your pipes.
I Taste a Salty Flavor
Some areas have a high sulfate concentration and this adds a salty taste to your water. There are solutions to removing this in your home.
Spots on your glassware after coming straight out of the dishwasher
You open the dishwasher and your freshly washed glasses have white spots all over them.
Could I have Arsenic
High arsenic levels can have a negative effect on your body. Some arsenic occurs naturally in nature but some can be caused by farming.
My Water Tastes Salty
When your pH of the water is out of whack, you can get a bitterness in the water. There is a way to remove this bad flavor.
I Do Not Think Our Water is Clear
Your water should be coming out white. If you are getting a color, there is a problem.
Do I Have Alkaline or Acidic Issues
Some water is high and some is low. Your water can be tested to see what the pH is like.